Sleep Life Center is a comprehensive sleep disorders center dedicated to the management of snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, sleep apnea syndromes, insomnia, narcolepsy, periodic limb movement disorder, restless syndrome, circadian rhythm disorders, jet lag, parasomnias & REM behavior disorder.
Sleep Life Center has implemented safety protocols in accordance with the local, state and federal agencies along with guidance from the CDC. Staff members and patients are all required to use PPE to ensure patient and staff safety. We are actively open and conducting sleep studies.

Of Sleep Disorder
Difficulty falling or staying asleep
Daytime fatigue
Strong urge to take naps during the day
Irritability or anxiety
Lack of concentration
Legs feel uncomfortable
Jet lag
Sleep walking

Our Services
Sleep Life Centers is equipped with state of the art polysomnography (sleep study) recording systems. Our accommodations are like home or better. Rooms are equipped with different bed sizes for your comfort (even King size). All include a flat screen, streaming TV, and complementary wireless high speed internet.
Each room is newly designed for your comfort.
Insurances We Take:
Accepting the following insurances:
o Aetna
o Ambetter
o Avmed Health Plan
o BCBS (Blue Cross & Blue Shield)
o Beech Street
o CarePlus
o Coventry
o Cigna
o Doctors
o Federal Assistance
o First Health
o Florida HealthCh.
o Health Access
o Ease Health
o Healthsun
o Healthy Kids
o Humana
o Medicaid
o Medicare
o Molina
o Multiplan
o Oscar
o Positive Healthcare
o Preferred
o Medical Pl
Prestige Health
o Simply
o Solis
o Staywell
o Sunshine
o Tricare
o United Healthcare
o Wellcare
Workers Comp:
o Absolute Solutions
o Accurate
o Gentix
o IMI-Net
o MedFocus
o MedLink
o MedOptions Networks
o Advanced Diagnostic
o America Staff
o Beech Street
o Mid-West Diagnostic
o One Call Medical
o Orchid Medical Netw.
o Portech Health Net.
o Corvel
o Cypress Care
o First Health
o Focus
o Preferred Medical Net.
o Select MRI
o Tech Health
o Velocity Med. Mgmt
The lab is AASM accredited. We are AHCA licensed.

WHAT CAN I EXPECT?First thanks for the trusting us with your sleep studies. Now, after you’ve made an appointment with the center, you should have your personal physician forward basic information about your medical history as well as any information about your sleep problem. Having this information available may save you time and expense. Download our forms by clicking the download button on the orange homepage square to the right. If the forms can’t be filled out in advance, you will be asked to arrive one hour before your appointment. On the first visit, we will have you set up for your sleep study or the diagnostic exam prescribed. To complete the full diagnostic evaluation, you may need to come to the center more than once. After you are set up then you will be escorted to one of our very quiet and comfortable rooms. Each of our rooms has sophisticated equipment for monitoring your sleep patterns, breathing, heart activity and body movement throughout the night. Following the tests, all treatment decisions and recommendations will be thoroughly discussed with you within the next few days.
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?Before any testing, you should review with our business office the total cost involved. Insurance companies have different reimbursement policies. Our experience is they generally reimburse for needed sleep studies.
HOW WILL A SLEEP STUDY HELP ME?Vising our sleep center is the first step to help turn your life around. Many studies have shown that sleep disorders intensify high blood pressure, asthma, weight gain, diabetes, and even cancer. The key to treatment success may include medications, a change in daily habits or working hours, weight loss, the use of a special breathing machine at night (nasal CPAP), or even one of several types of surgery.
WHAT TO BRING?Insurance Card Copy of Drivers License/Photo ID A list of current prescriptions or over-the-counter medications you are taking Your co-pay/deductible (if applicable) New Patient Forms Completed Comfortable PJ’s Positive Attitude

Contact Us
8485 Bird Road, Ste 305
MiamI, FL. 33155
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
9:00am – 3:00pm